Do you know autumn is my favorite season? I love the colorful nature, the leaves on the ground and the fresh wind in my hair. Also, I love to style my outfit with typically autumn colors. For me such a color is blue. Besides of blue, I'm in love with bodies. Especially a satin body in blue with a floral pattern. Therefore I present you an outfit with a satin body, black blazer and skinny jeans on my fashion blog.
trousers | blouse | sneakers | bag | glasses
Sorry for the silence here on my fashion blog Kleidermaedchen. I moved into a new apartment and it was a little bit chaotic in the last weeks. Maybe you know the drill. But now I'm back with a new outfit post. This style I have stowed in my suitcase so it was super easy to find all pieces I need for the look. In contrast, my other clothes are deeply hidden in boxes and I can't find it know.Off-Shoulder Bluse | Jeans | Tasche | Adiletten | Sonnenbrille
Today I present you a spring outfit with off-shoulder top, Adidas Adiletten and Destroyed Jeans. It's a look for everyday, cozy and stylish.coat | turtleneck | blouse | Ssunglasses | Tbag | sneakers | jeans
Spring ist my favorite season of the year, because it is neither too hot nor too cold. The weather is perfect to go outside in nature and enjoy the sun. My today's look is perfect to do this adventure on a sunny but cold day. Therefore, I wear a spring outfit with Converse All Star chucks, Mango turtleneck and Fossil bag.Mantel | Pullover | Jeans | Bluse | Boots | Tasche
Der Winter ist wieder präsent. Laut Wetterbericht soll es heute bis ins Flachland schneien. Viele von euch mag das nicht gefallen, aber ich freue mich schon wie ein Honigkuchenpferd auf den bevorstehenden Schnee. Winter heißt für mich, je kälter, desto besser. Und das, obwohl ich eine Frostbeule durch und durch bin. Einen Look für die kalten Wintertage gibt es heute schon von mir. Ich zeige euch ein Outfit mit dunkelblauen Mantel, Rollkragen Pullover und Skinny Jeans.